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Follow the progress of the South Scotland Golden Eagles

Page 4 of Golden Eagle Project’s Posts from 2019

Showing 16-20 of 22 items

Eagle School arrives at Tweedbank Primary 27.02.2019


by Rick T.

27 February 2019

Eagle Schools arrived at the lovely Tweedbank Primary School today and delivered the introductory session to a great group of P6/7 students.

The students were exceptionally well behaved and asked some fantastic questions about the project work and our hopes for the Southern Golden Eagles in the future.


Lauder Primary celebrate Eagle Day!


by Rick T.

20 February 2019

40 students from Lauder Primary School were joined by their local community to show off their outstanding Eagle Schools work and enjoy a visit from Mac the Golden Eagle. Ray of the Kielder Bird of Prey Centre delivered a fascinating presentation to the assembled crowd which included other species of raptors including Barn Owl, Eagle Owl, Kestrel and even a Turkey Vulture as well as Mac.


St Peter's - Out in the Field


by Rick T.

11 February 2019

Last Tuesday, St Peter's headed out into the field to discover which species inhabit the local woodlands of Gala Hill - notebooks in hand the students endeavoured to identify local birdlife from their in-situ field sketches and set a trail camera to see what was out and about during the hours of darkness. From Witches Butter Fungi to Badger Latrines the students explored their local environment and put into practice all of the skills they honed during their Eagle Schools 'Eagle ID' sessions.


Catching up with Emily


by Rick T.

30 January 2019

Last week Eagle Officer John Wright caught up with our oldest female Emily (121) a wee bit North of her last position. She has found a very active rabbit warren and, much like Edward (Blog 7.1.19), was seen exhibiting the same sort of hunting strategy employed by the young male.


St Peter's meet Mac!


by Rick T.

25 January 2019

St Peter's Primary School in Galashiels were treated to a visit from Mac the Golden Eagle last Friday (18.1.2019) as part of the their Eagle School work. Ray Lowden of the Kielder Bird of Prey Centre gave a fantastic and informative presentation to the students which included other raptors from across the globe as well as native species including a Barn Owl, Kestrel and Merlin.

