Support the South of Scotland
Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland

Scientific Advisory PANEL
We have a Scientific Advisory Panel with the following Terms of Reference: a) Members provide expert scientific, veterinary and technical advice (notably on eagle health and welfare) to the Project Board as requested by the Project Manager; and b) Members advise on wider specific scientific and land management/land use issues as requested by Project Board members or Project staff. Members include:
Dr Neil Anderson (Chair), The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh
Dr Rob Ogden (Deputy Chair), The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies and The Roslin Institute, University of Edinburgh, and SNH Scientific Expert panel
Professor Des Thompson, NatureScot
Dave Anderson, Scottish Raptor Study Group
Roy Dennis MBE, Roy Dennis Wildlife Foundation
Professor Miguel Ferrer, Spanish National Research Council
Dr Alan Fielding, SNH Scientific Expert Panel
Dr Gidona Goodman, The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh
Professor Anna Meredith FRCVS, University of Melbourne Faculty of Veterinary and Agricultural Sciences, Australia
Stephen Murphy, Natural England
Professor Ian Newton OBE FRS FRSE
Lorcan O’Toole, Golden Eagle Trust Ireland
Professor Chris Quine, Forest Research
Chris Rollie, RSPB and Scottish Raptor Study Group
Dr Ewan Weston, Scottish Raptor Study Group
Dr Phil Whitfield, Natural Research
Ray Lowden, Falconer, Kielder Bird Of Prey Centre
Dougie McKenna, Senior Ecologist and Falconer, Stones Wildlife Management
Robin Reid, Scottish Raptor Study Group