Support the South of Scotland
Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland

We Won Two CIEEM Awards
CIEEM, the Chartered Institute for Ecology and Environmental Management, hold annual awards celebrating outstanding work of ecologists and environmental managers across the UK and Ireland.
This year we were nominated for Best Practice in Stakeholder Engagement which we were delighted to win. It is particularly special to win this award in recognition of our work engaging with land owners and land managers from across the south of Scotland.
But the good news didn’t end there. We were even more delighted to receive the Tony Bradshaw Best Practice Award, recognising exceptional projects that set an overall impressively high standard.
Jason Reeves, Head of Policy at CIEEM said: “We are thrilled to announce that the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project is this year’s very worthy recipient of the CIEEM’s Tony Bradshaw Award for Outstanding Achievement.
“Our vision at CIEEM is to create a healthy natural environment for the benefit of current and future generations, and The South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project is a fantastic example of this. Through exceptional stakeholder engagement and partnership working, the project has demonstrated how we can all make a difference by working together to create a world rich in biodiversity for the benefit of us all – now and in the future.”

Michael Clarke, Chair of the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project Board, said: “We are absolutely delighted that the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project has been awarded the prestigious Tony Bradshaw Award for Outstanding Achievement. This is testament to the hard work of our pioneering project team and the support of all our partners – from ecologists, raptor experts, vets, funders, landowners and land managers to 14,000 plus community volunteers and special project participants.
The South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project would like to thank the many stakeholders and communities who continue to support our work. Over four years into the project we have translocated 19 young golden eagles to the south of Scotland, boosting the golden eagle population to numbers higher than recorded at any time in the last 3 centuries.
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