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Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland

Spring has (almost) Sprung!
With the 20th March marking Spring Solstice and the recent snow starting to melt it is with great pleasure that we can say that Edward, Emily and Beaky (pictured left) have all made it through their first winter!
Eagle Officer John Wright reported the first Wheatears back and singing at the site and the local Lapwings are displaying over their breeding grounds.
All three Eagles have been on the move lately with Beaky (C11) leaving the release site for her longest excursion to date (just over 2 weeks) and moving slightly North. Edward (C09) has moved off the rabbit warren he'd spent the winter on and headed back to the release site while Emily (121) has travelled from close to the release site to within 4 miles of the East coast before promptly turning around and heading west into Dumfries and Galloway!
The period of warmer weather in late March gave way to wintery showers with the release site being covered in about 3 feet of snow on the 4th April! Hopefully that'll be the last of the white stuff!

Lapwing displaying (above) Male Wheatear (below)