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Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland

New Job Opportunity with the Southern Uplands Partnership
Please note that this position is not with the South Of Scotland Golden Eagle Project but the exciting Tweed River Culture Project as outlined below.
Destination Tweed is a major project in development that aims to conserve, celebrate and promote the River Tweed. The Southern Uplands Partnership (SUP) is seeking two experienced, enthusiastic individuals with a background in cultural place-making, participatory or social practice art to develop the Connecting Threads project, the cultural strand of Destination Tweed. There is an opportunity for the successful applicants to bring their own expertise and interests to shape the roles and how the programme develops over five years.
One post (River Culture Animateur) will focus on the Middle Tweed from Innerleithen to Kelso as a pilot for a whole river project in the delivery phase. The other post (River Tweed Cultural Curator) will take in the Tweed from source to sea. The post holders will be based at SUP’s office at Lindean Mill, near Selkirk, TD1 3PE.
Both posts are 0.6 fte (22.5 hrs/wk). Salary up to £27k pa fte (£16,200 pro rata).
Twelve month fixed term contracts initially, from October 2020 – September 2021.
For an Application Pack and further information, please visit
The project is funded by the National Lottery Heritage Fund (NLHF).
The closing date for applications is Monday, 17th August, 2020 at 5.00 pm.
Interviews will be held on Tuesday, 1st September, and Wednesday, 2nd September 2020
Informal enquiries about the post can be made to SUP Partnership Manager, Pip Tabor, at