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Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland

Moffat 2021 Festival Update 21.9.2021
The first 2 days of the Moffat 2021 Festival have been fantastic!
With a visit from Sapphire, the Golden Eagle to the Farmer's Market on Sunday, where you could buy some fantastic Eagle-themed products, to the amazing talks on Monday evening from Julian Tite, Peter Robson and the fabulous Lauren McGough culminating in a screening of 'The Eagle Huntress', Moffat 2021 is the place to be!
Ray Lowden of Kielder Water Bird of Prey centre brought along the beautiful Sapphire, his 18 month old Golden Eagle. Sapphire is a falconry bird, bred in captivity and she wowed the crowds who gathered at the main festival stage.

The Farmer's Market was packed with people from all over the country sampling some of the wonderful local produce available. Dark Sky Spirits and Steilhead Cider provided Eagle-themed whisky and cider respectively, while many of the craft stalls features Eagles in their displays.

And of course, not wanting to be upstaged by Sapphire, Moffy put in an appearance!
So come along and get involved - we have some fantastic events taking place during the rest of the week!!!
Amendments to Festival Programme:
Paint an Eagle Feather @ The Art Work Room - Mon-Fri - 10am-12pm / 2pm-4pm - For Adults too!! £1
FUN RUN START TIME - 2PM - Sunday 26th - Hope Johnstone Park