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Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland

Eagle Update December 2020
The latest videos and sketches from Eagle Officer John Wright featuring Emily (121) and Skan (C17).
With winter tightening its grip and the first flurries of snow making an appearance it's great to report that all four of the young Eagles are doing really well and remain in the South of Scotland.
The following sketches and video are from late October - late November 2020.

The sketches above show Emily (121) nearing the end of a heavy summer moult with the top two sketches from late October and the lower from late November. The sketches below capture Emily (121) on the same late-October day, this time perched amongst an entourage of Ravens.

At the end of November, John managed to video Skan (C17) as he passed through the Moffat Hills. After observing him for almost an hour, Skan (C17) headed off on his way.
Don’t forget, we’d love to hear from you with any of your sightings. For Eagle news direct to your mailbox, please sign up to our newsletter HERE and don’t forget about our Christmas art competition HERE which closes on the 21st December and will now be judged by Scotland’s leading wildlife photographer, Laurie Campbell. Laurie has kindly donated some stunning prints of a male Golden Eagle as prizes for the category winners! Thank You Laurie!!