Support the South of Scotland
Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland
Community Outreach Officer Philip Munro challenges you to discover the wildlife on your doorstep!
Sick of staring at the TV, computer screen or annoying brother or sister? Why not turn your eyes to the skies and discover the nature that calls your home its home!!
Follow Philip's guide to exploring your territory. Use your powers of observation to search for movement, just like a hunting Eagle.
WHAT'S THAT? - Find something you've never seen before? Why not quickly make a sketch to help you to identify it later? It doesn't have to be a work of art - just make sure you capture the main details and use labels to highlight the most obvious colours and features.
If you're still not sure what you've seen why not test the Eagle Team? Send your sketches along with a short description of what you saw, where it was, what it was doing and, if it made a noise, how it sounded and we'll try to tell you what it is!! Send your sketches to
You never know what might turn up so be ready for some exciting suprises!! It may be a Sparrowhawk flashing through the garden, swifts screaming overhead or if you're really lucky, a wandering Eagle soaring high above you! Only two days ago someone sent us a picture of what appears to be a White tailed Eagle soaring over Edinburgh and Eagle Officer John Wright took this photo of a beautiful female Osprey from his front doorstep yesterday!! Good Luck!!
(Osprey photo: John Wright)