Support the South of Scotland
Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland

Eagle Schools has Landed
Eagle Schools has landed at Yarrow Primary School in the Yarrow Valley. Alongside Kirkhope Primary School from the Ettrick Valley, primary ones to primary sevens all joined together for the first session of what is set to be a fun-filled, fast paced 10-week programme.
We started with a discussion about Golden Eagles and why they might need a helping hand in the south of Scotland. We then went on to talk about what makes the Golden Eagle so special and compared them to the classes favourite superheroes. Iron Man, Wonder Woman, Bat Man… none of them were a patch on the super strength, super sight and super flight of the Golden Eagle!
After some identification basics, we grabbed some binoculars and went outside to see what we could find. No Golden Eagles today but blackbirds, sparrows, white butterflies, rowan trees and an apple tree.

Huge credit to the senior pupils of both Kirkhope and Yarrow who helped their younger classmates and to both schools for their never-ending enthusiasm. Next week – Folklore and Falconry: Golden Eagles in World Culture and History!