Support the South of Scotland
Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland

Download the new 'Eagle Spotters Zine'!
Whether you are an eagle enthusiast or just looking for some crafty fun, our Eagle Spotters' Zine will have something to keep you busy.
Designed for us by the very talented Kirsten Murray and illustrated by the brilliant Kimberley Carpenter, our Eagle Spotters Zine can be downloaded here.
Meet Emily, Edward, Beaky and Scan, colour in their golden feathers and you can even draw your own eagle. Make an eagle mask, learn about different raptors in our countryside and make a flying eagle. There is also our eyrie challenge where you can build your own eagles’ nest!
We would love to see your creations, or maybe you have some ideas we could include in the next zine. Send us photos and your comments via our contact page.