Support the South of Scotland
Golden Eagle Project
Help us create a future for the Golden Eagle in the south of Scotland

Moffat 2021. We've got celebrity talks, fun for all the family, themed food, music, book deals, an enviro-day and tours of the breath-takingly beautiful Southern Uplands.
And now we have our very own beer!
The lovely folk at Lowland Brewery in Lockerbie have brewed a unique Golden Ale to celebrate Scotland's First Eagle Town and to support the work of the South of Scotland Golden Eagle Project.
And better yet, if you enter the Golden Eagle Hill Race (Sunday 26th - more info coming soon), you get a bottle absolutely FREE! (If you complete the race - everything has a price!) as well as other goodies!
If running up hills is not on your festival agenda, why not have a leisurely stroll to Moffat's oldest public house, The Black Bull Hotel (built in 1568 it is one of the oldest in Scotland) where you can enjoy a pint of Golden Eagle on draft throughout the week of the festival as well as Eagle themed additons to the menu.
And if you prefer to finish the evening with a whisky....... more announcements coming soon!