
an update on Alixe and Fergus

5 September 2024

An update on Alixe and Fergus


by Philip M.

5 September 2024

Alixe and Fergus are both eagles translocated as subadults from the Outer Hebrides to southern Scotland under the project’s research licence. We have an update on both sat tags:

Tag 181537, H34 ‘Alixe’ , is a female translocated to the South of Scotland from the Outer Hebrides in November 2021 as a 4cy (third winter), under our subadult translocation licence (218537). The last data from her tag was sent on the 11th Feb 2024, at which time the tag was working well and there was nothing suspicious or concerning about her last data transmission. Because the tag was set to a battery saving mode, the next expected data transmission was not until 14th Feb. We received no transmissions after the 11th Feb 2024. Although her last location on Rannoch Moor did not raise any concerns, the police investigated but found only pellets (indigestible matter, regurgitated after a meal) and feathers at her last known roost spot. As she had been moving about all over northern Scotland, sometimes moving a large distance in a day, it was not possible to identify other search areas after the 11th Feb 2024. Alixe left the South of Scotland in March 2023 and travelled over much of Northern Scotland, as far north as Cape Wrath. We do not know if her tag has stopped working or she has been killed, possibly by another golden eagle. Unless there is a chance encounter with her tag or her remains are found, her fate will remain unclear.

Tag 234166, K06 ‘Fergus’, is a male translocated from the Outer Hebrides in January 2023 as 2 cy (first winter), under our subadult translocation licence (218537). His tag was working well and the last data point, in Perthshire, was on Feb 17th 2024 when the tag data had no indication of an impending fault. However, as with Alixe, his tag was set to a battery saving mode with the next transmission of data not expected until 21st Feb. There was no subsequent transmission. Police investigated the last known location 10 km ENE of Ben Lawers but found no evidence to explain why no more data was sent from the tag.

As with Alixe, he had been moving about northern Scotland, sometimes moving a large distance in a day, so it was not possible to identify other search areas after the 17th Feb 2024. For example, he was near Moffat at 10 am on April 7th 2023 but roosted that evening 130 km north in the Trossachs. We do not know if the tag has stopped working or he has been killed, possibly by another golden eagle. Unless there is a chance encounter with his tag or remains are found, his fate will remain unclear.
